Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Swine is SO Fine!

Tuesday in class we didn't get to cook any food. We did, however, get to break down a whole pork loin. It went a little something like this:

I hope you enjoyed that little production. I would really love to do more, but as you could see by the moving camera, it's a bit difficult when there's 40 people in the kitchen.

We also watched the famed "Slaughterhouse Video". I've been waiting 5 months for this. It was glorious! I was a little disturbed by how much I enjoyed this film. They showed it all my friends. From the farm, down the shoot, stun gun, throat cut, skin em, cut em, gut em, etc, etc, etc. Then we scrubbed the crap out of the floor and walls.

I'll try to do a food post Thursday night with some tasty pork and veal dishes.


  1. whatever media was in this isnt showing up

  2. What? It's showing up on my Mac. Maybe you should get a Mac.
