Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Week Old Chili

I was back in Sanitation today. Today we covered cooking temperatures and cooling procedures, refrigeration and thawing, and so on. (I start cooking in four weeks, so hang in there!) Did you know that a restaurant can keep food for up to 7 days? So that lovely bowl of chili you are enjoying COULD have been made a week ago?!!???!? Though this is not USUALLY the case. The restaurants I've worked in were/are trashing food after 3-4 days.

We did have some amusing moments regarding the date and when said moments began to get a little out of hand Miss Jane declared herself a "middle-aged, over-caffeinated woman" and that we should "be afraid". So things toned down from there.

During the section on frozen foods she started asking who worked in restaurants and where they worked (to find out who uses frozen foods) and I was able to share my current status as a stage at Uchi. Miss Jane seemed quite impressed that I had landed that gig and strongly suggested that everyone save up and check out the "world class" cuisine they are serving. So I was pretty pumped about that.

That's about it for now. I'm working a double tonight, then we have a Sanitation Mid-Term Exam in the morning(I know right? The class is 6 weeks, and we're 3 weeks in, so that's "mid-term"), then it's over to Uchi. So my next few days are going to be pretty busy. Y'all take care, and don't forget to "follow" my blog. Over there on the right, scroll down to where it says "Follow" and click that. All you need is a Gmail, Yahoo, Twitter, or Blogger account to follow and you may even be able to use your AIM name, not sure about that one. Thanks for reading!

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