Now back to the turquitos. Yesterday, I seared some turkey legs in the dutch oven. Pulled those and set aside. Threw in onions and jalapeƱos till they got a little color. Then garlic, guajillos, tomatoes, oregano, cumin, and cinnamon. As soon as the garlic hit, I tossed the legs back in and covered it with a couple Negra Modelos. Up to a boil. Down to a simmer. Cover for and hour and a half. Pulled the legs to chill. Reduced the sauce by half. Shredded the legs. Pureed the sauce. Pour the sauce over the meat and let it sit all night.
Then today, I spooned the mix into corn tortillas and fried em!!! Turkey taquitos = turquitos. They were not the winner of the evening, but they was tasty and all got eaten quickly - so that's a win for this guy.
Also, don't get your hopes up, but there was a photographer there from Edible Austin so I may be making a cameo in an upcoming issue. You can rest assured that I'll let you know if I make it in.
Ty for the Dutch oven 2 days in a row.