I did make to school all last week, which was nice. Still though, Hospitality Supervision has provided little to no entertainment. Nutrition has proven to be quite fascinating, but probably just to me, so I won't bore you with random facts about Vitamin K and Folate.
I also made it in to Uchi twice this week. Wednesday was pretty standard stuff - ebi for maki (shrimp for the sushi bar; you know, the flat ones that sit on the rice?), garlic brunoise, paper-thin Thai chili rings, oh and I scaled and gutted a few fish - can't remember what kind they were, but they were about 7oz each, European, and sold whole for $28. Friday was pretty standard as well, more garlic brunoise, sesame relish, sweet potatoes, yucca chips, and yuzu marmalade - delicious!
I finally felt up to doing some cooking this weekend so I got me some short ribs. I browned them first in a dutch oven, removed them to a plate. Added a little more oil, and tossed in my mirepoix. Once I got some good color on that, I added a few chopped tomatoes and some garlic. As soon as I smelt the garlic bloom, I deglazed the pan with some whiskey - yea that's right, whiskey. Burned off the alcohol and tossed the ribs back into the party. More whiskey, a little water to cover and simmer for 3 hours.
Not bad for a phone pic huh? I served the ribs with mashed potatoes and green beans with grape tomatoes. I should have reduced the liquid down afterwards to make a sauce, but I got a little lazy. Nonetheless, Whiskey-Braised Short Ribs were quite tasty and a lovely addition to my repertoire - even if a little tweaking is in order.
Today, I decided to make my own queso from scratch via a bechamel and I failed miserably. "WHAT!?!?" you ask? That's right, even I turn out a less than amazing food item from time to time. It happens to us all. This was a great learning experience though. Mistakes:
-I didn't use enough roux.
-I didn't bring the milk up to a high enough temperature.
-In addition to nice-melting Mexican cheeses, I attempted to melt colby jack into the queso resulting in a gritty cheese dip - this was ultimately the demise of my culinary debacle.
I apologize to mostly Seth, whom declared queso his #1 favorite food. I had hoped to blow his mind with the best queso he had ever eaten. Instead, I ended up with a gritty, gloopy, not-fit-for-cafeteria mac n cheese cheese sauce. I know what I did wrong though. So I will conquer this dish. Queso, you're on notice!
I had also mentioned that turkey legs would be making an appearance in today's blog, however, they are only half-way to their final destination (Turkitos). Hopefully they'll end up killer and make the Meaty Monday blog. Only time will tell. Until then.
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